Sandwich Internet Radio

An easy listening station on the internet

More New Prersenters

Yet more new presenters have joined the station bringing a greater mix and styles. The new presenters include Titus Jennings, Beth Riley and James Riley also Fran Winston and Fi Sloops. Check out the presenters tab and schedules for details. These are all very professional and experienced presenters bringing some exiting programmes to the station. Mark Cridland is another of our professional and experienced presenters. He is recovering at the moment following an operation and I am sure you will all wish him a speedy recovery.
Keep listening and let us know what you think


More New Presenters

We have some new presenters joining the station bringing new programmes. James Watt with his show business show talking to the stars. He has had a long career in broadcasting and show business and is a welcome addition to the station.
Alan Nicklin joins us with a programme on Sundays of tracks that you do not often hear on the radio tune in and be surprised.

Phil Wilson has been with us a while now with his acclaimed Vinyl revival show on Friday nights.

Welcome to all new presenters and many thanks to the existing presenters that provide a quality product for the station.

New Presenters

The station has welcomed some new presenters in Steve Taggart and Country Roads 7pm on Thursday with a listen again on Tuesday at 12 Midday. Bob Peck brings his 2 shows "The British Country Show" Wednesday night at 8pm with a listen again spot on Saturday afternoon at 1pm and "Sounds Americana" Tuesday at 10pm with a listen again spot at 4pm on Friday. Also Susanne Taggart who presents a Saturday Hop Radio show on the station at 5pm on a Saturday with a listen again spot on Wednesday at Midday. We would like to say welcome and I hope you enjoy the new show. We are always looking out for presenters so let us know if you are interested in joining the station.

The start of the WCR blog

May 21st 2020

This is the first blog from White Cliffs Radio. We are launching a new website and facebook and twitter. This year 2020 was meant to be the launch of a rebranded and revitalised station but several things have happened to change that slightly. The corona virus has had a massive impact on everybody and you feel that so much has been put on hold. Will the world ever be the same when we are through this. One thing that will emerge is the need for everybody to have an excellent broadband connection and to make more use of the internet. As an internet radio station this is something that we have been aware of for a long time and see the future of internet radio as bright. There are now so many ways that you can listen to us including through our website and Amazons Alexa.
The other big thing to hit the station is that 2 of our presenters have been diagnosed with brain tumours and both went to Kings in London for treatment. The good news is that Mark Cridland is making a good improvement at home and Mandy Winters is also improving. We all wish them well and a speedy return to the station.