27th August 2018. In between broadcasting from Sandwich Mandy has found a pair of two little ducks who I think are rotarians. Where's the orange sauce!!
27th August 2018. The Duck Race at Sandwich I think Mandy has gone quakers!!
27th August 2018. Mandy with an admirer who brought some very smart cars to the Duck Race day. Nice to see he has one of out Flyers.
27th August 2018. I don't think this Duck will win the race today
27th August 2018. Mandy with some more White Cliffs Radio listeners. Nice to see they came prepared for the British weather with an umbrella.
27th August 2018 Oh dear Mandy has got her hands on a fast sports car and its red!!

27th August 2018 The crowds wait paitently along the river band for the duck to come past.

27th August 2018 More people waiting for the Ducks.

27th August 2018 Ans still more.

27th August 2018 Anybody seen the Ducks?

1st July 2018 The Martha Trust Prom on the Farm with White Cliffs Radio providing the sound and broadcasting.

1st July 2018 A view of the stage and the dancers enjoying the sun. The White Cliffs Radio banner is flying high.

1st July 2018 More pictures of the dancers.

1st July 2018 More dancing.

1st July 2018

1st July 2018